Message from the Secretary

Welcome to the I.P.S Gangoh college, where education means all round development of the student. This is a college that has a mission to make each student achieve his and her best.We give lot of importance to make discipline a core value, encourage students to develop a sense of responsibility through a well planned academic schedule and Sports activities.
We believe that true wisdom is the ability to listen to your heart and that each student’s self esteem, dignity, physical and emotional well being must be cultivated with the same importance as that given to academic and material success. The educational needs of today are very different from those of the past because of growing competition and with the progress of science and technology. The students must be equipped with the skills required to face the challenges of future. They can do it easily if we can make the surrounding stimulating and purposeful.
Notwithstanding the challenges to develop altruistic human beings with raised standards of intellect, let us become equal stakeholders in moulding our children into desirable individuals.

Your valuable suggestions are always welcome.

Narendra Kumar Tayal